Joachim Goerke
I share with you,
what I love the most.
Joachim Goerke is an exceptional pianist. He incorporates excellent technique with intuitive, authentic playing. His music transcends the barriers between classical music and jazz – his is a music between worlds.
Born on 25th May 1957 in Frankfurt am Main, it soon became obvious that music is his calling. At the early age of seven, he began learning to play the piano. Influenced by the great Oscar Petersen´s music, he branched into jazz in his teens, and swing was followed by jazz rock – in various formations. After 1997, several band projects followed and his own vocal ensemble came in 2003.
Joachim brought out his first CD in 1997 under his own label „Sajema Music Lüneburg”, with a total of 28 by 2016. His most successful CD is “Danke”, from the “Songs for Silence” series. As well as composing commissioned work for Bauer Verlag Freiburg and Hans Nietsch Verlag Emmendingen, more than 200 of his compositions have been registered under his own publishing company.
Joachim Goerke performs as concert pianist and singer in his solo concerts, tours with his own band or creates song programmes accompanying himself. His singing seminars take him all over Germany.
His deep-seated musicality led him to become a free-lance musician. It is enriched by his intensive personal search for meaning in all walks of life and the resulting quest for his spiritual path. While influencing his music and its expression, it also provides answers for his “Body, Soul, Spirit” counselling work.
His book on teaching singing „Die Kraft der Vokale“ – Ein ganzheitlicher Leitfaden zur Stimmentfaltung” (“Vowel Power - A holistic guide to developing the voice”) came out in 2015.
Today, Joachim Goerke lives in Lüneburg and works as a pianist, singer, choir conductor, voice teacher and spiritual counsellor.
“What really matters, in all the manifold areas of my work, is trying to serve life. I discovered silence as something living and loving: as the beginning and source of all things. This is expressed in my being and my work. Supported by a deeply-rooted confidence in myself and in life itself, I´m grateful to be able to express my immense gratitude for this precious life in so many ways.”